Megabus launches new services from London Heathrow & Gatwick Airports for only £1!
Posted in Industry news

Megabus just added to their existing network five new services. Travel on the below routes has just started;
- M6 - Barnstaple - Tiverton - Taunton - Bridgwater - Bristol - Heathrow Airport - London Victoria
- M38 - Barnstaple - Tiverton - Taunton - Bridgwater - Bristol - Gloucester - Birmingham - Leicester - Loughborough University – Nottingham - Trent University - Nottingham City Centre
- M25 - Cardiff - Bristol - Heathrow Airport - Gatwick Airport
- M18 - Bath - Corsham - Chippenham - Heathrow Airport - London Victoria
- M14 - Gloucester - Cheltenham - Cirencester - Swindon - Heathrow Airport - London Victoria
The information means that Megabus, which is known for low-cost transportation with ticket prices starting at just one pound, now provides its first direct coach services to Heathrow and Gatwick airports, with daily departures to Heathrow from Barnstaple, Cardiff, Bristol, Bath, Gloucester, Cheltenham and new services between Cardiff, Bristol and Gatwick.
Tickets for all journeys are now available at, with fares from £1.
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