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Tickets directly on your mobile phone

Posted in Travel tips

National Express

Did you know that you can have your National Express ticket sent directly to your mobile phone as a text message? That's right - m-Tickets are now available to book online for a growing number of services, for a booking fee of just 50p. There's no need to take a paper ticket with you when you travel - just show your phone to the driver when you board! To take advantage of this great service when booking online, simply select m-Ticket when choosing ticket delivery options. Click here to book now


Magabus after booking sends directly on your mobile your confirmation number,  is a ticketless service. You give this number to the driver who ticks it off on a list. You can then get on board and take your seat. Each reservation you request to be sent to your phone will be charged at 10p. This will be added to your bill during the normal purchase transaction. Click here to book now

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