Are scheduled coach services in international transport still viable?
Posted in Industry news

The question is not meaningless, given the strong competition from budget airlines.
What lies ahead for regular international coach transport? What is going to happen with the coach operators which are present in the market? Who will win the competition; low cost airlines, coaches and buses or high speed trains? We are curious about your opinions. Of course we are not concerned about intercontinental transport, because here the answer is obvious. There is no technical transportation capacity for coaches or trains. We are asking you about Europe transportation only.
In our opinion certainly the transportation system will change in the future. Nothing is certain, but certainly some changes will (must) be implemented to all available modes of transport. Now the UK is dominated by low-cost airlines and certainly the British and European high speed rail network will also garner much attention. People in Britain prefer to travel fast, although more expensively, often not including additional costs such as transportation to the airport, baggage charges, overnight stay at the airport or a fee for parking space at the airport.
By reading many posts on various forums related to travel, our service has observed that the British are very reluctant to use the long-distance coach service. The British nation often associate this form of travel as something unacceptable and do not even take it as an option for consideration.
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